Thursday, October 1, 2009

Notes on the Movie

Notes on movie

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
2:14 PM

• People of European origin have dominated the globe.

• Nuginians learn quick.

• Why do Nuginians have less cargo than us?

• People hunted the same way 1,300 years ago.

• Middle East was far less arid 1,300 years ago.

• They eat saygo from the saygo trees and cereal grasses.

• They had a "refrigerator" called a granary at the center of the town that stored things like wheat and grain. ( A long time ago.)

• They were the first farmers.

• Saygo-can't store this. It will only last for about 3 days.
Cereals (grain and wheat)-can store grain and it's still edible for a while.

• Plant Domestication- Change the crops.

• In the Highlands of Nuginey, the farming was different and not as good as in the Americas and Africa.

• In the Americas, they grew more healthy and nutritious things.

• Geographic Luck-

1 comment:

  1. 13,000 (13 thousand) years ago, not 1300 years.

    You actually take very good notes, Kailey. Just trying to help out a little!
